The Black Future is Here.

Black Futurists Group

Our Platform

The Black Futurists Group (BFG) is a social justice innovation firm using public policy, community organizing, media engagement, and political education as tools to build reimagined, equitable, and liberated Black futures in our lifetime. BFG does this work out of a belief that Black life is valuable, precious, and worth protecting. BFG understands that Black empowerment is a necessary element in the larger struggle for human rights. BFG works with those standing at the intersections of varying cultural, ethnic, sexual, and gender identities across various communities to build, preserve, improve, and advance reimagined Black futures.


Ground Principles

  1. The Black Futurists Group does our social justice work through a bold and forward-thinking Afro-Futurism framework. Afro-Futurism is both a cultural aesthetic and philosophy of science, art, and history that combines science-fiction, creativity, and innovative thinking that explores the possibility of tomorrow through a futuristic lens centered on the experiences of Blackness across the diaspora, dismantling barriers to freedom, and the reimagining of institutions, political structures, and economic systems that support the liberation of Black people in our lifetime.

  2. BFG understand that Black Liberation is THE element that is needed to secure victory in the fight for collective human freedom. No one is free until ALL Black people are empowered, have received justice, and are experiencing liberation in our lifetime.

  3. BFG believes that liberation can only be achieved when the most vulnerable, marginalized, and disenfranchised among us are included in the larger narrative of collective oppression and injustice.

  4. BFG recognize that in order to build the future, Black liberation must also include dismantling patriarchy, homophobia and transphobia, xenophobia, and religious intolerance that creates more oppression and less freedom. The healthy, safe, and prosperous future for all of us is a future where liberation includes the needs and representation of Black women, Black LGBQ folks, Black trans folks, Black immigrants, Black people living with HIV, and other people standing at the intersections of vulnerable identities.

Our Vision for a Black Future

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Our Tools

Advocacy & Policy

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Media & Communications

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Our Partners